Watch this video if you haven't!
I just knew about this from Facebook.
Wow, I don't know about you guys, but I think this guy went just a little too far. Not only is he promoting the international burning of the AlQuran day but he also authored this book called Islam is of the Devil. By the name of the book itself, we (especially muslims) find it offensive and provocative. And thats just the book cover, not yet the written contents inside the book.
He is a christian named Terry Jones. Obviously he hates our religion. Just because of the September 11th incident in USA which they believed is supposedly of islam's fault. I dare not to say anything foul about his religion for I acquire my utmost respect to it. But as for the man himself, I do like to stamp the words: Epic Fail on his forehead.
He said in the video that AlQuran is not a book of peace. But he and his community's attempt to burn the AlQuran is not gonna create much peace and serenity either. But rather hatred between the two involved religions. As a matter of fact, the Bible (likewise the AlQuran itself) allows the freedom of religion. So what Terry here is basically doing is standing against his own religious constitution. Enough said.
I'm glad to see that Terry's provocative attempt is not receiving much support from the people worldwide. But rather alot of foul responses and feedbacks especially from some of the christians themselves who, from various sources I picked out, believed that Terry is over-reacting and is making a fool of his religion, let alone himself.
The international burning of the AlQuran day is gonna take place on this 11th of September, just a few days from now. It also happens to be the festive Raya for all of us muslims worldwide.
I just can't stand the idea of us celebrating Raya but knowing that Terry and his followers around the world are burning the AlQuran on that very day.
He should watch this How the Bible Led Me to Islam: The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans
I don't know why during the 9/11, they automatically blame the 'muslims' when it just 3-5 people involve (I dnt knw the exact number of people involved). When they say muslims, they meant all of the Muslims around the world when part of the muslims, who are not involve with this kind of terrorism, have nothing to do with it.
What a narrow minded people!
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