''Theres a crucial time when you need to tune out the critics''
-Tj Hoisington.
-Tj Hoisington.
I am currently reading one of Tj Hoisington's book: If you think you can. I've read through it's first 20 pages and I came across one of his persuading topic about the certain people who stands in the way of your dreams. I have to agree on this because this is a common matter, infact this is revolving around us everytime we are going after our dreams or trying to achieve our goals. Likewise, certain people who walks up to you and say something like ''You dont have what it takes'' Well...these people could be just anyone-your friends, your teachers even your family members. They feel like they know whats best for you and prevent you from taking the leap. 'Kowing whats best for you?' : In this case..If you think your goals or dreams can be a little bit too edgy or risky, you should think twice before you act and be consulted by the people who you think are wiser than you..For instance: Parents.
In some other cases, there are some people who will prevent you from achieving your dreams and goals just because they know you will succeed. They are unlikely to be the parents but friends. Sometimes friends, well..some friends, If they see you going for something higher than their's they will eventually talk you out of it in a friendly yet devious manner. These kinds of people are toxic. And No-its not because they know whats best for you but because of jelaousy.
Allow me to shed some light on this topic: The story of Galileo for instance. For centuries people commonly believed that the earth was at the centre of the universe and the sun revolves around it. Many great minds disputed this belief and it was'nt until Galileo came along to prove otherwise. He divulged this to the leaders at that time with his perfected telescope. Here's where the point starts: The leaders felt threatened because somewhat-Galileo 'contradicted' their superiority and beliefs. So the leaders tortured Galileo just to retract his position. Eventually Galileo did in 1633. Our of fear for his life, he retracted his goals and beliefs.
Get the point? -Sometimes people like the leaders in the story of Galileo who cant see new possibilities for themselves are unlikely to see new possibilities for others. Or in cases of Jelaousy. If you are those kinds who likes to keep quiet and be less critical, you can easily be brought down by the jelousy of others. Solutions? Be otherwised. Its a time you let our your inner roar. Your criticism. Just like what I have copied from Tj Hoisington's writting and composed it to a phrase: ''Theres a crucial time when you need to tune out the critics''
And you know exactly when the crucial time is.
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