I have to say, the movie didn't turn out quite the way I had expected. Infact, most of the things in that movie didn't turn out quite the way I had expected. Which I find it rather disappointing than amusing. Yes -Boo me as if I'm Simon Cowell on a critical idol night. lol. Anyway, the movie is more of a sequal to the first (original) Alice in Wonderland story -regardless- whether you've read it in the book or watched that old animated movie of it in Disney channel. In this movie -Alice came back to Wonderland -I don't know, when in her 20's i guess- and didn't even remember of her first visit to Wonderland few years ago (seriously -why did the movie makers made her forget) And now when she came back, all of them living creatures in Wonderland (that has met Alice before) was like "this is so not Alice. Nu-uh" and Alice was like "I'm so Alice uh-huh, but who are you?" HAHAA. okay so I modified that dialogue abit. So what? =p
However, the most noticed-boring parts of the movie was when Alice changes in size. At a moment Alice was small because she drank a weird potion of some kind. And at another moment she became bigger by eating this small cake. But that wasn't the end of her altering sizes in that movie. Because it was followed by more eating and drinking of those weird things, thus Alice was like big and small and big and small throughout the movie, wait i think she was medium sized in the ending. But STILL.
Well in conclussion, I won't say that the movie was rottenly bad, because it totally was not. It was entertaining and fun nontheless -especially when Hatter made his hit Futterwacken dance - just that, for me, the stoyline was well..a bit narrow and crooked. Wish it was more like the original Alice in Wonderland. I guess the movie makers have their reasons why they didn't made it as so. But uh -this is what I think. I dont know about you guys. And dear Syuhada, hope I didn't brought your hopes down about the movie by shedding all it's flaws. lol.
And OHH! I am so looking forward to watch this movie:
Its also known as the Avatar. I've been following it's animated series in Nickelodeon since last year. Theres something quite distinctive and creative about it that made it stand out from the other animated series. Totally. And I can't believe why Dev Patel, that guy from Slumdog Millionaire, has to play the role of Zuko in the movie. Zuko is a descendant of the chinese Fire Nation. CHINESE. Dev is Brittish-Indian. Which won't make any sense if he is to play the role of a chinese descendant. Unless! Unless the movie makers changed the Fire Nation to a descendance of indians. On the contrary, that'll be intersting. I'm still gonna watch it, regardless. Til next time, people!